Two for the Price of One

4835856136_64711a6e38_zMarshmallow Nightmares!! by katerha on Flickr

As many people, like us, are finishing up summer courses before holidays, we thought we’d round off the academic year’s posts with two activities to both start and finish your last week of class. The first activity for Monday is a quick warmer involving some creative thinking and an advert for Starbucks. And as a final activity on the Friday, try the famous Marshmallow Challenge. Our classes loved it and it practically guarantees going out on a high. Have a great August everyone and we’ll be back with more in the autumn.

Click here for the Teacher’s Notes

Chicken or the Egg

Image made using photos taken from by @gemmateaches, @KerrCarolyn, @eltpics, @sandymillin, @aClilToClimb, @YTatLE, @SerraRosali used under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial license,

In this lesson students attempt to answer the age-old question about the chicken and the egg before watching a video which has quite a different take on a chicken and egg situation.

Click here for the Teacher’s Notes.

The film was made by Christine Kim and Elaine Wu and you can find out more about it on the Chicken or the Egg Facebook page.