The Boy and the Piano

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Good intentions to update the blog more regularly have remained just that, but we have managed to do something with this year’s John Lewis Christmas advert. We hope you and your students enjoy it.

Click here for the Teacher’s Notes and here for the Powerpoint.







A Christmas lesson plan

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Main activities speaking, speculating and storytelling

Suitable for teens and adults, upper-intermediate (B2) and above

A Christmas lesson plan Teacher’s Notes


The Teacher’s Notes contain everything you need for class, but if you’d rather display the images using Powerpoint, click here.



Food for Thought at TESOL Spain 2013

Thank you to the TESOL Spain team for organizing a great conference. As usual, I wish I could have split myself into two or more parts to get to all the talks I wanted to….

Here’s the handout for my talk. Thanks to everyone who came – I hope you enjoy using the activities.

Friends for Life

This TV ad, called Harvey and Rabbit, made me laugh and on that basis alone, I had to come up with an activity for it! The idea of the ad is the unexpected nature of the scenes, which both grab your attention and make you eager to see the next one. I’ve made the activity into a group competition combining memory and accuracy of expression…..

Friends for Life Teacher’s Notes

And that’s all from us for the time being. Tom’s working on a teacher training course at a Dublin University in July and August and Steve’s going to Hong Kong to work on summer school at the British Council. We’re both back to real life in mid-September, so look out for a new blog post shortly afterwards. In the meantime, have a great summer!


I came across this short video while reading the paper, clicked on it and was strangely mesmerised. I found it beautiful and compelling but at the same time very thought-provoking. I then discovered two more things: firstly, that I was one of the few people on the planet still unaware of its existence and secondly, that not all people felt it was as pure and innocent as I did. The exercise also makes use of the online comments on the article in the paper, which is something I think is a brilliant resource for vocabulary and discussion.
Click here for the Teacher’s Notes.

Graffiti Safety First

This video sequence, which rapidly went viral, is a brilliantly conceived idea with a strong emotional impact. It’s perfect for eliciting language – both to describe what’s happening and how it makes us feel. It was part of a road safety campaign which also involved graffiti artists, so this lesson plan uses both topics and combines art, article and advert.

Graffiti Safety First Teacher’s notes

Banksy Images

Roa Images

newspaper article

Embrace Life Image