TESOL France 2012

A big thank you to Beth Cagnol and all the TESOL France team for organizing a brilliant event.

Thanks to everyone whose talks I went to, and to everyone I hung out with in talks, between talks and after talks. I’ve come back inspired and full of ideas and exhausted.

Thanks to everyone who came to my talk – here’s the handout . I hope you enjoy using the activities.


This lesson starts off with a brilliantly edited video mash-up; Dutch filmmaker Matthijs Vlot took Lionel Richie’s 1984 hit Hello and mashed it up with short clips from a number of Hollywood films so that the words in the clips synch perfectly with the song lyrics.

Students have to count, chat, listen and write in class before going home to watch the original video of the song, which was voted worst music video of all time in a survey by music channel The Box. In the next class, students say what they thought of the video and then watch the Starburst commercial (just because it’s funny).

Hello Teacher’s Notes