A Paper Swan

swans 5

Image made using photos taken from http://flickr.com/eltpics by @ukelt, @sandymillin, @sandymillin, @elt_pics and @naomishema used under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial license, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/

Sticking to the theme of paper, while at the same time using the fantastic website at Videojug, this latest lesson is a chance for the origami enthusiasts to show off.  There will be planes and swans and a close look at the language of instruction, both written and oral.

Click here for the video.

Click here for the Teacher’s Notes.

The Tipping Point

Hello again everyone and we apologise for our prolonged absence! We hit the ground running in mid-September but we’re finally on top of things and are resuming normal service. In fact, our first post of the new academic year has shades of irony, given that the subject is tipping – something generally associated with good service! On introducing this topic in class, we discovered that not only is it quite contentious but that it’s also much misunderstood in terms of who actually gets the money and why. There are also huge variations between countries and cultures. Among other things, we’re using a video from the excellent Videojug site – a great source of inspiration for videos for class. We hope you enjoy it and that it gives you food for thought the next time you get the bill in a restaurant…..

Click here for the Teacher’s Notes.